We're up to 3400 views.
AWESOME! Thanks everyone.
brother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
We're up to 3400 views.
AWESOME! Thanks everyone.
this new couple moved in a couple weeks ago.
special/regular pioneers, he's an elder from bethel.
i think he might have been a co at one time.
Interesting. I've seen this happen before, he's on a witch hunt.
i have served 20 years as an elder, 5 years as an ms. was on the district committee in 2010, held various positions on the district , circuit, and rbc level.
probably been on more than 100 judicial committees and even an appeals committee.
was the coordinator in our congregation and deleted because adult child was df ( i kicked him out at the time of his wrongdoing, but that wasn't enough for thr brothers).
Welcome James , glad to have you here with us. We were still 'in' until mother in law called everyone and told them we had gone 'apostate' just because hubby showed his non-JW brother, who in turned showed his mom, a WT article & pictures with subliminal images in them.
hi there everyone, looking for some advice on helping my sister who is studying the bible with a jehovahs witnesses to escape.
shes been studying for over a year now and attends meetings occasionally.
i have been looking for a way to help her for a while now and the answer fell into my lap last week, during her study last week she mentioned that her son was going to a birthday party.
Welcome Ed, glad to have you here on the forum with us.
Just a thought, have your sister watch our video Ray/JJ posted for us on JWStruggle. It shows how controlling the Elders get in EVERY aspect of our lives, including writing a piece of fiction!
some people didn't seem to get the message so i'll repeat it to make clear:.
posting off topics comments and general gibberish / nonsense is something i class as spam and will not be tolerated.. any posts found will be removed and if it's repeatedly by the same poster then they will be deleted as well.. thank you for everyone else who uses the forum for proper discussion..
I guess that means the Whanker brothers video is a no-no guys.
watch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
Just watched the video. HORRIBLE man! I feel so sorry for all the little kids in the audience. No wonder I had nightmares my entire life, being raised a JW!
brother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
I wish more current JW's would watch this video. Especially those that have never had 'run-ins' with the elders.
We put up with this kind of crap for the entire 34 yrs we've been married.
i've run into a problem and have some questions..... i'm sure most of you have seen the video on jwstruggle's youtube channel regarding my book i wrote in 2002 and the problem with the elders on getting it published.
well after my contract ran out in 2003, i retained all the rights and they told me that all left over copies would be destroyed except the few legal copies being sold on amazon, barnes & noble, alibris, etc.. so, because of the video someone asked about my book and i said that it was no longer available, they wrote back and told me it's all over the internet.. come to find out, a large canadian publisher bought out my original publisher in 2007 and 'accidently' downloaded the original file onto their computers and started selling my book [hard copies & digital] without a contract.. my question is, anyone know what the going asking price for a quiet settlement is for this type of thing?.
i know i'm not dan brown or clive cussler and probably won't get millions, but i don't want to get short-changed either.. thanks.
Yeah, I spent almost an hour on the phone with her yesterday afternoon, I guess she's going to write a nice letter and explain to them that if we file a claim they can be fined up to $150,000-$250,00 for copyright infringement plus have to pay for any damages and my legal fees.
She is also going to request their accounting records for the past 6 years.
Heck I'd be happy with settling this quiet for $150,000-250,000.
i've run into a problem and have some questions..... i'm sure most of you have seen the video on jwstruggle's youtube channel regarding my book i wrote in 2002 and the problem with the elders on getting it published.
well after my contract ran out in 2003, i retained all the rights and they told me that all left over copies would be destroyed except the few legal copies being sold on amazon, barnes & noble, alibris, etc.. so, because of the video someone asked about my book and i said that it was no longer available, they wrote back and told me it's all over the internet.. come to find out, a large canadian publisher bought out my original publisher in 2007 and 'accidently' downloaded the original file onto their computers and started selling my book [hard copies & digital] without a contract.. my question is, anyone know what the going asking price for a quiet settlement is for this type of thing?.
i know i'm not dan brown or clive cussler and probably won't get millions, but i don't want to get short-changed either.. thanks.
Sorry about the misspelling guys, can't fix it now. I've been very upset the past week, not only over my book but we had BOTH of our cars break down on the same day, last Tues and both motors are junk.
See, story of my life. i should change my ID name to 'Just screwed'
found this to be very interesting.. i had been runnning questions around in my head, why did abraham just up sticks and leave everything, just like that ?.
didn't make sense.
too many holes.
I thougt these lost texts were interesting also. The foreward in the book of these lost texts that I bought, says they were found in a clay jar, just like the ones found with the Dead Sea Scrolls, only buried in field in Egypt.
Ethiopia also has most of these scrolls that were allegedly brought back from Israel by Queen Sheba when she visited King Solomon.